Video Production

Get your head

in the clouds...we'll then make it happen

We are a video production company with a creative approach to making great videos for our clients. Advertising, digital promotions, commercial projects, events, instructional and educational videos, interview and testimonial videos, video content for web and social media platforms, motion graphics, animations and VFX…phew…whatever it is, we have your video production needs covered.

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Traditional campaign thinking has been replaced with content-rich media

One-off projects are now being combined into dynamic and fast-moving digital media campaigns as businesses continually build their content libraries rich with options to roll out over multiple platforms in vastly different ways and at speed. This era of disposable digital content needs to be cost-effective and punchy - without losing high production values that enhance a brand's quality

We are often combining video production with animation and graphics or photography to all work together seemlessly.

We start with story and creative direction, but use an outcome-driven process to ensure we stay within the lane (but outside the box).

We then look at budget, scale and team. We have a composite team approach with some of the most talented videographers, DP's, Photographers, Producers, Sound recordists, Set designers and animators in New Zealand working with us on small and large projects

I've been involved in film-making for over 20 years. I started as an actor, working in film, stage and TV, before completing a Masters in Business leading into a corporate career in the industry. But my true passion was always in creative pursuits, particularly as a filmmaker, videographer and photographer.

Pilot Films was established to create high-quality content and help organisations and people tell their stories, and have a heap of fun along the way.